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November 27, 2024

Presentazione del Libro, 2024


Sto partendo per un grandissimo tour promozionale del libro, incluso un evento a cui dovresti veramente partecipare. A Cesarò, provincia di Messina, domenica 1° dicembre, ore 18, Galleria Momentaneamente. Ci saranno dolcini e bevande. Leggerò dal mio nuovo libro, CHILL PILLS, in inglese e in italiano! Questo è il mio primo libro che ho tradotto in italiano, quindi dovrebbe interessare a chi ha imparato l'inglese tanto tempo fa e poi non l'ha più usato (quasi tutti). Potete fare una gita in collina e venire a divertirvi. Ci saranno ospiti speciali. Posso consigliare un buon agriturismo se volete rimanere. Possiamo cenare lì tutti insieme. Ditelo agli amici. Il Magical Mystery Tour del libro di Pedersen unica fermata. Non perderlo! Mandatemi un messaggio se volete più dettagli o solo per dire "Si" ci saremo. Mi piacerebbe vedervi, vivi e vegeti.

November 25, 2024

Book tour, 2024!


I'm embarking on a massive book tour, including one event you really should attend. Cesarò, Messina province, Sunday December 1st, 6 pm, Galleria Momentaneamente. Snacks and drinks provided. I will read from my newest book, CHILL PILLS, in English AND Italian! This is my first book I translated into Italian, so it should interest those readers who learned English long ago and never used it since (most of you Italians). Take a drive into the hills and come on by to catch all the fun. There will be special guests. I can recommend a good agri-turismo if you want to stay over. We can have dinner together there. Tell your friends. Pedersen's magical mystery book tour's one and only stop. Don't miss out! Drop me a line if you want more details or just to say "yes" we'll be there. I'd love to see you, live and in person.

November 12, 2024

My post from Nov. 8, 2018: Reconciliation? Time to come together?

Reconciliation with Nazis? Reconciliation with racists, sexists, xenophobes, misogynists, homophobes, Islamophobes, deplorables? Reconciliation with believers in the National Enquirer, in Bigfoot, alien abduction, in televangelists? Reconciliation with liars and cheaters, bought and sold by corporations? Reconciliation with gun-addicts, rapists, thugs, bullies, criminals?

I don't think so.

The President of the United States says: I am a Nationalist, not a Globalist. We know those are code-words for 'Nazi' and 'Jew'. We know where Trump's sympathies lie. No, I will not support the rise of a new Hitler or a Fourth Reich. Who would? Who is? Despots and wannabes around the world. The radical right fringe, as in KKK. Those who previously kept to the shadows and should go back there, but came out in the open when their ideal leader got power (by stealing). Is he lashing out now because he's losing his grip? Yes, but that makes the wounded animal more dangerous.

Rural - urban, coastal - center, black - white, college grads - middle school grads, men - women, blue - red: I am sick of the division of people into two teams. Yet I can't put myself in the others' shoes either. I can't imagine being a Trump supporter, just can't suspend my ethics and critical intelligence that much. An invasion of refugees, really? Lock her up, really? Enemy of the people, really?

What's the alternative? Fight. When it was the Vietnam War - fight. When it was Nixon - fight. When it was nuclear arms and nuclear power - fight. When it was civil rights - fight. When it was the women's movement - fight. Gay rights - fight. Immigrant ban - fight. Trump's presidency - fight. In any (nonviolent) way you can - fight.

I was hoping for the super victory that would end this bad dream, and our need to fight, so I could just go back to my work, hobbies and homelife in relative tranquility, like in the Obama years. Get off Facebook, no news, pet the cat, read a book, sit on the porch and watch the sea. Instead, I will need to keep my dukes-up attitude a while longer, and, in my very small far-away way, keep the struggle going. Stand up to the brutes and goose-steppers, the haters and money-grabbers, along with many millions of comrades. We are the majority. Standing for the law and the truth and equality and what's right. Things will get messy now, but we shall overcome. Will we make it through this? Of course.

Happy trials,

November 6, 2024

I watched my country die on tv.

Terminal USA: I know the revolution will not be televised, but last night was a tough one. The big dominos start to fall. I am afraid for the planet most of all. This is the moment to make radical changes or kill the earth. The end. No matter how much a future president is environmentally aware and willing to lead in the necessary changes, it will be too late to reverse the death sentence. Humans will spend a couple decades trembling with guilt and fear, then poof. Save life on Earth: it's now or never, we chose never.

Questions: Will there ever be another election? Will anyone ever be rightly convicted of a crime? Or is the crime merely being a woman or a minority, a free thinker or a civil rights defender? I'm on the enemies list, and you? 

American Taliban: Women, put your hijabs back on or the morality police will get you. Obey without question. Your wise leader will determine your sexual behavior. Or you will be corporally punished. Support your own submission. Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant and uneducated. Like back in the caves.

What?: We misinterpreted the cartoon of Trump looking through the bars; we are on the inside. Can you hear the Joker's laughter? Was our nation just sold to the highest bidder? Record turnout and fewer votes? What?

Race at the base: White fear is so strong that anyone is better than a black-Asian woman. Trump and Vance screaming "We're open racists!" And half the country answering proudly, "Yeah, us too!" Enough of white Jesus, let's worship Hitler now, the Anti-Christ. Those dark-skinned people are moving into our neighborhoods, they're taking our jobs, they're getting richer than us, they do better in school, poison our genes. It isn't fair! Hatred wins again. In a nation founded on white power.

Idiocracy: government by the stupidest. Look at those clowns, listen to them, the most selfish, the most corrupt, the sociopaths and psychopaths, the sicko pedophiles (Trump included), the anti-science nuts, the book burners, the fascist media making everything seem normal. Halloween every day.

Disasters coming: are we Americans joining the Russian coalition now? I think so. We all work for Vlad. Gaza genocide, Ukraine overrun, war in Europe, critics rounded up in camps, immigrants deported to flip off Madam Liberty. Nuclear war closer, by mistake or by lies. How can we ever know what's true again? The fall begins.

One thing though: A rapist, America, you elected a fucking rapist. Shame eternal.