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March 10, 2021

Mourning # 19

Mourning # 19


All my life I’ve loved God and Jesus

Christ, my personal savior, who

protects us always if we renounce sin.

I went to church at the invitation

of our Pastor and Praised the Lord.

We sang and prayed and holiness

reigned. We said Peace Be Unto You

and hugged and hugged and sang

and prayed. We knew we were

violating the new laws but we proudly

held to the old higher laws. Confident our faith,

not demon masks, would protect us. So many 

sinners out there looking at their inter-net 

and dreaming of riches in this life, but we … we …


---- A Michigan couple, Leslie and Patricia

McWaters, both died from Covid-19 on

November 24th. They had been married for

47 years. Leslie, known as LD, was a truck

driver and a veteran in the US Naval Reserve.

Pat was an RN who spent 35 years in 

the operating room at Foote Allegiance Hospital

in Jackson, Michigan, her home town. LD was also

a Jackson native.


Pat was the boss; LD was the joker, ‘the king

of one-liners.’ But Pat got the last laugh as her

daughter, Joanna Sisk, imagined that Pat went

first and then said like always, “LD, it’s time to go!”


The couple loved dancing at the bar where they met.

They loved playing cards with their friends.

They drove their 1959 Corvette to car shows.

They are survived by two daughters and three

grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.