Mourning # 10
Transcending Grief
let’s transcend our grief
stepping-stone the stages
move on and forward out of the valley
of a thousand tears – that’s enough
don’t make yourself sick over it
he/she/they would have wanted you
to get on with your life, remarry
find a new partner at Christmastime
online or maybe at a grief therapy group
hi, I lost my dog
hi, I lost 400,000 compatriots
let’s go get coffee, then into bed
to seal our release
the end is here (the beginning too).
---- Rosemary Collins was a choir director
at her church and at Clearwater High School
in Florida, she had classical voice training
she sang arias and musicals, she loved
music, she died on December 22 of complications
of the coronavirus, just a few days after
showing her first symptoms, she was 51.