DAY 70: I stand on the beach alone
looking at the sea, I am alone
and always will be, with the waves
that rise and break one after
another, I stand there forever
and I see waves come and go
quickly, tides come in and out
slowly, waves and tides and me.
Walking from the bathroom to the
kitchen I'll be fine then sigh
because I'm not fine I'm suppressing
I'll have another moment at
my desk furious with the
incompetent government killing
so many good souls, I'll be
sad all day at what I know.
Thank you nurses, I love you.
I'm hopeful, hopeless, hopeless-
ness full. I'm watching dogs on TV
and I start to shake, I get
up at night and sit in the
dark living room wide awake.
I'm okay, I'm okay
I'm not okay
how can I be okay --
270,000 corpses piled so high
they block the sun
I'll never be okay.
I hope.