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May 15, 2020

The Quarantine Chronicles, Day 31

DAY 31: Palm Sunday, little ol'
Jesus on a donkey riding into
town but there is not another
human being around --
he can see lots of washing hung
out to dry, so there are obviously
women, yet he sees none, he
talks about it with his ass:
Is there some kind of plague
like in the days of Moses --
a sea of poison snakes or
everyone covered in boils,
flesh-eating boils, making all
the beautiful people hideous
beyond description -- is every-
one hiding inside because
they think I'm infected, I'm
a stranger not a virus
carrier, and here in town
will I meet my buddies, have
a few brews, maybe play
poker before Herod strings me
up -- he might want to wash
his hands, wash his hands
(for at least 20 seconds) of the
whole thing, the virus bring,
the message of universal love,
he-rod might give me a crown
of gold or of thorns depending
whether or not he believes
as do the rest that I carry
the crown, the corona,
the coronavirus.