DAY 75: I've always lied to you
but this time I'm telling you the
truth, the new truth, not the alter-
native truth, the post truth
truth squared, real reliable
facts -- believe me, it's safe
to go out -- I'm not doing it
myself but, I tell you, it's safe,
go on -- I'm not sending my
kids out, but I'll send grandma
-- oh, forgot, she's disappeared --
so, believe me, we'll be fine
better than before, the numbers
are great, the numbers I give you
believe me, virus is health,
death is life, plague is good,
war is peace, masks are bad,
poverty is wealth -- yours is
mine, that is -- oops, too much
honesty -- it's all propaganda
2 sides to every question, some
people say ...
Follow the rules and you'll be
obedient, and the new rules
say, there are no rules, go out
and party! kick some scaredy-
cat ass black brown yellow red
preferred -- and blue, we hate
blue because they make the
rules, enforce the rules, ump
to cop to blue state -- screw
you, we do what we gotta do.
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